Racial Equity - Funders for LGBTQ Issues
About the Toolkit

Diversity & Inclusion

Description: Focused on diversifying the workforce and the field as a way of better addressing the changing demographics of our country and world; "diversity" defined broadly as culture, experience and points of view

Purpose: To foster a diverse institution for better achieving institutional prosperity, unleashing innovation and creativity, and strengthening public appeal, impact and effectiveness

Critiques & Limitations: At times conflates categories of inequality (e.g. marginalized populations) with categories that merely denote difference (e.g. work styles, political partisanship). Further, more salient definitions typically focus on race and gender, excluding sexuality, gender identity and others traits

As it relates to grantmaking: Concerned with diversity in foundation staff and trustees, among program participants and policy beneficiaries, and overall grants

As it relates to LGBTQ grantmaking: Emphasis placed on diversifying a staff, board and clientele with LGBTQ communities

"American democracy and society thrive on our diverse cultures, experiences and points of view. Imagine what we can do in the next 20 years if we more fully engage diverse talents and ideas within our profession to achieve our mission-based work. Just think how that could increase our effectiveness and impact."
—Diversity in Philanthropy Project

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